Medical Quiz

Bones Anatomy Quiz

What are the bones of the feet called?

A. Sternum

B. Metacarpals

C. Metatarsals

Select your answer:


Cell and Tissue Muscoskeletal System Branches of Medicine 5 Major Food Groups Diseases Nervous System Functioning Beneath the Skin Human Brain Homeostasis Cardiovascular and Respiratory Injury Musculoskeletal - Clinical Renal and Gastrointestinal System Forensics: Blood Human Anatomy Study Guide

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The frequency of heterozygosity for the sickle-cell anemia allele is unusually high, presumably because this reduces the frequency of malaria. Such a relationship is related to which of the following?

A. Mendel’s law of independent assortment                      

B. Mendel’s law of segregation

C. Darwin’s explanation of natural selection                

D. Darwin’s observations of competition

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The joints with the widest range of movemet are:

A. Sutures

B. Sinovial

C. Fibrous

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