Medical Quiz

Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Quiz

Lymph differs from blood in that it does not contain erythrocytes or ___________.

A. Thrombocytes

B. Plasma

C. Leukocytes

D. Neutrophils

Select your answer:


Cosmetology Mutation & Genetic Engineering Cancer & Cell Cycle Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Respiration in Organisms Cardiovascular System Ear/Eye Medical Terms Forensics Terms Surgical Nutrition Skeleton Pancreatitis Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Circulation and Excretion Physiology Humanistic and Biological Psychology

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Is a non-vascular type of supporting connective tissue that is found throughout the body.

A. Cartilage

B. Hyaline Cartilage

C. Fibrocartilage

D. Elastic Cartilage

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Travelling west is “best” for minimising jet lag because

A. you travel in the same direction as the sun, making the day shorter

B. you travel in the opposite direction to the sun, making the day longer

C. it makes the day shorter, which we are better at adapting to

D. it makes the day longer, which we are better at adapting to