When washing your hands, you should use soap, warm water, and friction, and keep your fingertips:
A. Pointed up.
B. Pointed down.
C. Held tightly together.
D. Dry.
Select your answer:
Cellular Transport and Metabolism Transplantation Immunology Health and The Environment Medical Suffixes Vaccines Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Hygiene and Nutrition DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Ecology & Organisms Cardiovascular and Respiratory Genetics Disease Prevention BMI (Body Mass Index) Living Organisms Nutrition LipidOther quiz:
Nutrition › ViewOne half of your plate should be
A. Protein
B. Dairy
C. Grains
D. Fruits and Vegetables
Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis › View
When microscope slides are stained to show blood cells, the small red blood cells that appear on the slides are much more numerous than the large white blood cells. This supports the concept that
A. the body’s need for white blood cells is less than its need for red blood cells
B. red cells are more numerous because they are smaller than white blood cells
C. the nuclei of the white blood cells help them work more efficiently than the red blood cells, which lack nuclei
D. each kind of cell is present in the numbers best suited to meet the needs of the body