Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Quiz

When you get cut, your skin cells release hormones that signal platelets to come and stop the bleeding. Platelets then release more hormones that signal even more platelets to help stop bleeding. The hormone signals continue until the cut is closed. This is an example of what type of feedback?

A. Positive Feedback Response

B. Negative Feedback Loop

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

Body System Interactions › View

Olympic sprinters undergo increased heart and breathing rates while competing. Which of the following best describes the interactions among systems of a sprinter?

A. Respiratory system is working to obtain more oxygen, while the circulatory system works to transport the oxygen to the muscles.

B. The digestive system takes in more glucose, while the excretory system removes waste.

C. The endocrine system transports ATP to the nervous system

D. Excretory system removes waste from the digestive system to reduce weight so the sprinter can run faster

Teeth & Microbes › View

we have ___________ canines

A. 3

B. 6

C. 5

D. 4