Medical Quiz

Body Defense Quiz

The production of antibody to destroy specific pathogens in the body is called …………………….. defense.

A. non-specific

B. specific

Select your answer:


Forensic Pathology Psoriasis Muscular Non-infectious Disease STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Vaccines Medical Vocabulary Digestive and Circulatory System Chemistry Chronic Diseases Sensory Disorder DNA Structure and Function Stress Endocrine System and Nervous System Immunology

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Ankle Injuries › View

What two motions cause a high ankle sprain?

A. Internal Rotation and Dorsiflexion

B. External rotation and Dorsiflexion

C. Inversion and Dorsiflexion

D. Eversion and Dorsiflexion

Vocabulary for Organisms in Ecosystems › View

These are organisms that break down, or decompose, wastes and the remains of dead organisms.

A. scavenger

B. decomposers

C. prey

D. producers