Medical Quiz

The Ear Quiz

External ear consists of

A. Pinna, auditory canal and ear drum

B. Eustachian tube and oval window

C. Vestibule, semicircular canals and cochlea

D. Malleus, incus and stapes

Select your answer:


Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Nervous System and Special Senses Excretion Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Adaptive Immune System Cardiovascular Hematology Cells Hormones Muscle & Nerve Tissue Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Bacteria and Viruses Health and Disease Cardiorespiratory Endurance Organization of Systems

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Cell Transport › View

Placing a plant into a hypertonic solution will…

A. cause turgor pressure (pressure by fluid in a cell that presses the cell membrane against the cell wall) to increase

B. cause turgor pressure to decrease

C. have no effect

Reproduction › View

What is antenatal care?

A. Care of a newborn baby.

B. Specific care of a mother and foetus during the period before birth.

C. Breastfeeding.

D. How to take care of the body during ovulation.