Medical Quiz

Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Quiz

Which viral cycle takes the longest to show symptoms?

A. Lysogenic

B. Lytic

Select your answer:


Cells, Tissues and Organs Diseases of The Body Systems Nutrition Lipid Breathing ...Respiration Cellular Components Fainting and Nosebleed Nervous System Functioning Bones and Muscles Heart and Circulatory System Digestive System Medical Terminology Biology for Engineers Common Respiratoty Diseases Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Nutrition In Animal

Other quiz:

HHB Immunology › View

defence proteins secreted from phagocytes; involved in signalling to other white blood cells to attract them to the site of infection 

A. cytokines 

B. apoptosis 

C. phagocytosis 

D. mast cells 

Pain Pathophysiology › View

Justin, Sophie, and Lindsey are studying for their biology exam. They are discussing a scenario where a person accidentally touches a hot stove and immediately pulls their hand away. They are trying to understand the role of ‘nociceptors’ in this scenario. Can you help them understand the function of nociceptors in the perception of pain?

A. Is it to interpret pain signals?

B. Or to send signals to the brain?

C. Maybe to regulate neurotransmitters?

D. Or to convert stimuli into electrical signals?