Medical Quiz

Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Quiz

breaks down food into energy that the cell can use in a process called cellular respiration

A. chloroplast

B. ribosome

C. mitochondria

D. nucleus

Select your answer:


Antimicrobial Pharmacology Renal Replacement Therapies Cardiorespiratory System Muscular System Hele Skeletal System Components of Physical Fitness Public Health and Genetic Disease Balanced Diet Gaseous Exchange in Humans Division of Microbiology Degeneration Pathology SCI CH2-1 Genetics Vocabulary Tissues Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review

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What does invading the host cell enable the virus to do?
A. increase its size
B. synthesize needed oxygen
C. obtain nutrients
D. reproduce

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders › View

The following describes the clinical manifestations of which restrictive pulmonary disease:

Hypoxemia; dec in BP; dyspnea; dec HR; pain; shift of heart & vessels

A. Pneumothorax

B. Plural effusion

C. Tuberculosis