Medical Quiz

Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Quiz

three half-moon tubes oriented in the three primary planes (anterior, posterior, lateral)

A. semicircular canals

B. ampulla

C. utricle

D. saccule

Select your answer:


Cell Structure and Function How the Eyes work Disease & Immunity Medical Careers Haematology Human Brain Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Viruses and Prions Neuroanatomy Renal System - Pharmacology Oncology Factors Affecting Health CVA Movement Immunity and Vaccines

Other quiz:

Body System › View

What is the function of the digestive system?

A. It transports blood and oxygen to your cells

B. It breaks down food so the nutrients can be absorbed by your body

C. It helps you breathe by taking in oxygen and transporting carbon dioxide out of your body

D. It helps you move

Skin Structure, Growth, & Nutrition › View

What is the name of the special cell in the stratum germinativum, responsible for producing dark skin pigment?

A. sensory nerve fibers

B. dermal papillae

C. papules

D. melanocytes