★ Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Quiz
designed to detect and transduce head rotation and angular acceleration
A. semicircular canals
B. ampulla
C. otolith organs
D. vestibular hair cells
Select your answer:
Muscle Histology Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Nutrient Cycling Dentistry Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Skull Psychopathology Ortho Infectious Disease Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Anatomy and Histology Sexual Reproduction Physiology The nervous system & brain Cardiology Services Med TermsOther quiz:
Circulatory System and Nutrition › ViewWhich of the following nutrients provides energy to the body?
A. carbohydrates
B. vitamins
C. water
D. minerals
Circulatory System › View
The strong outer covering of arteries and veins. It is composed of connective tissue as well as collagen and elastic fibers.
A. Tunica Adventitia
B. Tunica Media
C. Tunica Intima