Select your answer:
Digestive and Circulatory System The Ankle and Lower Leg Pathophysiology_Endocrine Infectious Disease Fluid and Electrolytes Deficiency Disease Immunology and Serology Sarcomere Anatomy Endocrinology AEMT EMS Systems Human Body The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Nursing Vocabulary Properties of Hair and Scalp Nervous System FunctioningOther quiz:
Circulatory System › ViewThis muscular organ works to pump blood throughout your body via an intricate network of blood vessels; the size of two adult hands held together, the heart rests near the center of the chest.
A. Pulmonary Veins
B. Heart
C. Blood
Genetics › View
Organisms that have inherited two different forms of the same trait, one from each parent
A. purebred
B. hybrid
C. dominant trait
D. recessive trait