Medical Quiz

Topics: The Energy Nutrients Quiz

_____________________ is a form of complex carbohydrates from plants that humans cannot digest.

A. complex carbohydrates

B. starch

C. dietary fiber

D. simple

Select your answer:


Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Macromolecules & Nutrients Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Gaseous Exchange in Humans Thyroid Disorders of The Joints Ankle Injuries Cellular Transport and Metabolism Sarcomere Anatomy Stress Head and Neck Anatomy Cardiovascular Diseases Human Brain Transplantation Immunology Life Processes Excretion

Other quiz:

Bacteria and Viruses › View

Bacteria that can cause disease are

A. viruses

B. pathogens

C. protists

Digestive System › View

Absorption is passing of digested material out of the digestive tract.