Topics: Oronasal Suctioning Quiz
Allen was assigned to the pediatric ward. She was asked by her supervisor to perform suctioning to her client who is 5 years old. As a nurse, she knows that she needs to set the suction pressure to:
A. 95 to 110
B. 50 to 95
C. 120 to 130
D. 45 to 95
Select your answer:
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Hematology › ViewTransit time from myeloblast through myelocyte has been estimated to be roughly
A. 6 days
B. 3 days
C. 24 hours
D. 12 hours
Immunity in Humans › View
what is opsonisation
A. Antibodies combine with antigens and act as a marker for phagocytes to recognise the antigens and destroy them.
B. Antibodies combine with antigens and cause bacteria to be broken down and decomposed.
C. Antibodies bind with toxins produced by bacteria and neutralise the toxin.