Medical Quiz

Topics: Oronasal Suctioning Quiz

Nurse Leo was asked by a student nurse about the time or seconds the patient should be suctioned. His best response will be?

A. not more than 10 seconds

B. not more than 20 seconds

C. not more than 30 seconds

D. not more than 40 seconds

Select your answer:


Human Eye and Colorful World Healthy Living Cardio and Resp Disorders Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids How the Eyes work Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Epidemiology Medical Careers Human Reproduction Gastroenterology Nursing Infectious Diseases Regulation of Urine Formation Respiratory System Med Term Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Cardiovascular Diseases

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A. Endometrium

B. Myometrium

C. Perimetrium

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What is the clinical purpose of contrast mediain diagnostic imaging?

A. Indicates the location of bones

B. Makes body structures easier to see through

C. Highlights the inner contours of body structures

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