Medical Quiz

Topics: Nervous System and Special Senses Quiz

Preparing the body for “fight-or-flight” response during threatening situations is the role of the:

A. sympathetic nervous system

B. cerebrum

C. parasympathetic Nervous System

D. somatic nervous system

Select your answer:


Cell Cycle Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes Infection Detection Linked Gene Neuroanatomy of CNS Nature of Science History of Medicine Defining Health and Wellness Musculoskeletal - Clinical Surgical & Complementary Terms Genetics and Probability Autism Awareness Sense of Sight Gastroenterology Nursing Circulatory & Lymphatic

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The collarbone is also known as the:

A. Scapula

B. Clavicle

C. Sternum

D. Mandible

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What is the cardiac output when the blood pressure difference is 120 and the resistance of the blood vessel is 20?

A. 2

B. 7

C. 8

D. 5

E. 6