Topics: Iron Kinetics Quiz
What membrane-associated protein in enterocytes transports non-heme ferrous ions from the intestinal lumen into the enterocytes?
A. Heme Transporter
B. Divalent Metal Transporter 1
C. Ferroportin
D. None
Select your answer:
Connective Tissue Blood and Hematology Viruses Biomolecules Measles and Hib ADVBIO Genetics Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Terms for The Skeletal System Physiology Pathology Sports Medicine Medical Vocabulary Urinary System and Fluid Balance Atoms and Radioactivity Gestalt Therapy Immunology and Serology Eco Factors & BacteriaOther quiz:
Health and Disease › ViewWhen starch is present iodine turns…
A. purple
B. blue-black
C. orange
D. brick red
Vision (AP Psych) › View
If we did not have cones in our eyes, we would not see
A. colors
B. shapes
C. sizes
D. distant objects