Medical Quiz

Topics: Introduction to Histology Quiz

He examined a thinly sliced piece of cork using lenses

A. Robert Hooke

B. Leeuwenhoek

C. Robert Brown

D. Von Mohl

Select your answer:


Kidney - Loop of Henlé Skin Growth Essential Nutrients Hematology Acute Leukemias Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Thyroid Human Circulatory System Physiothearpy in Neurology The Ear Fish Health Management Factors that Affect Health and Wellness EM Spectrum Health and Social Care Dementia Fluid Therapy

Other quiz:

Digestive System › View


A. Pertaining to the duodenum.

B. Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

C. Visual examination of the colon.

Virus, Bacteria, Immunity › View

What is the name of this virus

A. Capsule

B. Helical

C. Bacteriophage

D. Teva (my dog)