Medical Quiz

Topics: Human Eye and Colorful World Quiz

The ability of eye lens to adjust its focal length to form a sharp image of the object at varying distances on the retina is called

A. Power of observation of the eye

B. Power of adjustment of the eye

C. Power of accommodation of the eye

D. Power of enabling of the eye

Select your answer:


Balanced Diet Serology/Blood Typing Muscles and Movements Hematology Homeotic Genes and Cancer Children Well-being General Microbiology and Immunology Anatomy and Histology Histology HS Healthy Living Thrombosis, Emboliya Cellular Components Dermatosis Emergency Medicine The Ankle and Lower Leg

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Joints › View

Hip and shoulder have examples of this type of joint

A. ball and socket

B. condyloid

C. hinge

D. gliding

DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins › View

What is the structure of DNA often compared to?

A. Ladder

B. Spiral staircase

C. Straight line

D. Circle