Topics: Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Quiz
What type of tissue SIGNALS the intestines to move food along?
A. Nervous Tissue
B. Blood Tissue
C. Smooth muscle tissue
D. Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Select your answer:
Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Pharmacology Calculations Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Bacterial Cell Structure Medical Microbiology Deficiency Diseases Cellular Transport and Metabolism The Chemistry of Microbiology Functional Anatomy in Track & Field EKG Medical Term Muscular Sensory System Key Terms Eye Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Skeletal PathologyOther quiz:
Infection Control › ViewWhen cleaning your implements, you should rinse them with:
A. warm water
B. disinfectant
C. cold water
D. hot water
Integumentary system › View
Which layer of the skin does NOT contain blood vessels?
A. epidermis
B. hypdermis
C. dermis