Medical Quiz

Topics: Disease Outbreak and Transmission Quiz

If a flu outbreak affects a small community, would that be considered a pandemic or an epidemic?

A. Pandemic

B. Epidemic

Select your answer:


AEMT EMS Systems Homeostasis - Vision Correction Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Cells Surgical Vocabulary Cardiorespiratory System Health and Hygiene Pain Pathophysiology Human Eye and Colourful World Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Regulation of Urine Formation Cellular Transport and Metabolism Digestive System and Nutrition Child Development

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Plasma makes up ~______% of blood.

A. <1% B. 45% C. 55% D. 0%

The Brain Our Control Center › View

Which part of the brain is involved in the maintenance of basic life functions?

A. limbic system

B. peripheral system

C. medulla

D. amygdala