Medical Quiz

Topics: Circulatory and Nervous System Quiz

What part of our body transfer messages from the spinal nerve to the brain?

A. Spinal Cord

B. Brain

C. Nerves

D. None of the options

Select your answer:


Types of Doctors Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Pathogens Health issue related to immune system Biological Organisms Classification Cardiovascular and Respiratory Cellular Transport and Metabolism Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Vessels Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Bones Inhalation Injury Cellular Components Principles of Microbiology Compact Bone

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Gestalt Therapy › View

How does Gestalt therapy view the concept of “unfinished business” in a client’s life?

A. It considers unfinished business as irrelevant to the therapeutic process.

B. It views unfinished business as a barrier to personal growth and self-actualization.

C. It encourages clients to suppress memories of unfinished business to focus on the present.

D. It interprets unfinished business as a sign of unresolved childhood conflicts.

HCMA - Hematology › View

Using capillary blood from a finger, the Cholestech LDX analyzer is capable of measuring which of the following?


B. TC/HDL ratio and Glucose

C. All are correct