Medical Quiz

Topics: Characteristics of Life & Viruses Quiz

Cold sores are caused by a virus that can live dormant in your cells for many years as a part of your DNA. The virus can be activated by stress or low immune function, even years after you were exposed to the virus. What type of reproductive cycle does this virus have?

A. Lytic cycle

B. Lysogenic cycle

C. Retrovirus cycle

D. Not a virus at all; bacterial life cycle

Select your answer:


History of Medicine Anxiety Disorders Male Reproductive System Foot Orthosis Vocab STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Linked Gene Enzymes & Metabolism HL Thyroid Disease Safety and First Aid DNA and Genetic Manipulation Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Factors that Affect Health and Wellness History of Healthcare Emergency Medicine Health Issues and Concerns

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A technique for making millions of copies of a specific region of DNA.

A. DNA ligase

B. restriction enzymes

C. gel electrophoresis

D. polymerase chain reaction