Topics: Cellular Components Quiz
Which of the following statements is not true about lysosome?
A. It is formed by budding off from the trans end of golgi apparatus.
B. An example of a cell that has high amounts of lysosome is the macrophage.
C. It is involved in the autolysis of cells in the tadpole tail
D. Primary lysosome binds to the phagocytic vacuole to form autophagosome.
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Diabetes › ViewIt is the contraction of the bronchi of the lungs which cause difficulty in breathing.
A. Lung Cancer
B. Asthma
C. Bronchitis
Sensory System Key Terms › View
Small stirrup-shaped bone that transmits sound vibrations to the oval window of the ear.
A. Stapes
B. Rods
C. Incus
D. Malleus