Topics: Anatomy and Histology Quiz
Which type of neurons have many extensions from the cell body?
A. Bipolar neurons
B. Multipolar neurons
C. Unipolar neurons
D. Myelinated neurons
Select your answer:
Nasal Polyp Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Forensic Odontology Hormones Soldiers of Defense Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses ESR (RBC sed rate) Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Foodborne Illness Upper Limb Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Health Issues Related to Digesting System and Eating Habits Central and Peripheral Nervous System Nervous System Functioning Disease and Conditions Skeletal SystemOther quiz:
Body Systems and Medical Sciences › ViewAsthma is a malfunction of which body system?
A. respiratory
B. circulatory
C. immune
D. digestive
Virus › View
How is the Corona Virus spread?
A. through the air by sneezing and coughing
B. through the air by the birds
C. through the water by the fish