Medical Quiz

Transportation Quiz

When you go to the doctor and they want to see how hard your heart is pumping, they take your…

A. blood pressure

B. temperature

C. pulse

D. name and address

Select your answer:


Respiratory and Urinary Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Human Health Acute Responses to Exercise Stimuli and Responses in Humans BIOMEDICAL MCQ Muscle Anatomy Mitosis The Inflammatory Response Cholera Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Oncology Health and Medicine Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Heart Structure and Double Circulation

Other quiz:

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What condition will be appear due to excessive secretion of GH during adulthood?

A. Gigantism

B. Acromegali

C. Both Gigantism and Acromegali

D. Remain normal

Immunity and Vaccines › View

This type of immunity can be called nonspecific and refers to the bodies defenses that are present since birth.

A. resistance

B. adaptive immunity

C. acquired immunity

D. innate immunity