Medical Quiz

DNA and RNA Structures Quiz

Analyze the impact of a mutation that changes an Adenine to a Thymine in a DNA sequence.

A. It will always result in a non-functional protein.

B. It may result in a different amino acid being incorporated into a protein.

C. It will have no effect on the protein produced.

D. It will always cause a frameshift mutation.

Select your answer:


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Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment › View

A surgical procedure performed by a pathologist on a dead body to ascertain—from the body, organs, and bodily fluids— the cause of death.

A. external examination

B. autopsy

C. postmortem interval

D. anatomical analysis

E. structural examination

Digestive System › View

A disease in which stomach acid goes up into the esophagus causing burning pain and sometimes ulcers.

A. celiac disease

B. GERD (acid reflux)

C. appendicitus

D. diarhea