Medical Quiz

Anatomy and Histology Quiz

What is the function of Hyaline Cartilage in joints?

A. Support soft tissues

B. Provide flexibility

C. Keep airway patent

D. Smooth surface

Select your answer:


Neuron Structure Characteristics of Life & Viruses Body System Interactions Diseases of The Nervous System Musculoskeletal Injuries & Workstation Design Dermatology Vocabulary EMS Systems Measles and Hib Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Stimuli and Responses in Humans Lung & Breathing Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Regulation of Heart Rate Fluid Therapy Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work

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Diseases and Preventions › View

Which system is the heart in?

A. Circulatory

B. Digestive

C. Cardiovascular

Upper Limb › View

How much rotation of the humeral epicondyles is required for the AP medial oblique projection of the elbow?

A. No rotation is needed as the epicondyles are already good

B. 45 Degrees

C. 35 Degrees

D. 15 Degree Cephaled