Medical Quiz

Eco Factors & Bacteria Quiz

Bacterial cells reproduce by this process

A. Mitosis

B. Meiosis

C. Binary fission

D. Spawning

Select your answer:


Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Cell Biology & Biotechnology Hematology Blood Pressure Neurological Concepts Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Digestion Cosmetology Anatomy All About Blood Plant Biotechnology Human Genome and Bioethics Review BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Health and Hygiene Diseases & Disorders Health Unit Coordinating

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some cells are sick dizziness and low oxygen


B. sickle cell anemia

C. Color blindness

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45 y/o Heather has loved to sew all her life. However, she has noted that her fingers are beginning to sway outward, making it difficult to hold a needle and thread. Her joints also hurt. The doctor examined Heather and noted that she has inflammation in the lining of the joints, pain and swelling. The doctor explained to Heather that she has an autoimmune process and her diagnosis is__________________________.

A. Osteoporosis

B. Osteoarthritis

C. Rheumatoid arthritis

D. Normal aging