Medical Quiz

Medical Microbiology Quiz

What is the function of a colony counter in the laboratory?

A. Count the number of colonies of microorganisms

B. Grow and maintain microbiological or cell cultures

C. Produce an updraft to force airborne contaminants away

D. Aseptic transfer of microbial culture

Select your answer:


Polio Radiation and Health Parathyroid Gland Healthcare Careers Inflammation and Tissue Repair Bones Anatomy Homeostasis and Disease Cardiovascular System Dermatosis Living Organisms Iron Kinetics Musculoskeletal LE The Brain Our Control Center Thrombosis, Emboliya Disease

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What are the functions of Excretory system?

A. moving fast

B. removes waste products from cellular metabolism, filters blood

C. removes water

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Sally has a Grade I lateral ankle sprain, where as Jim has a Grade III lateral ankle sprain. Sally differs from Jim in that…

A. her sprain is worse

B. she will not need surgery

C. she will need crutches to get around school

D. hers requires a longer rehab