Medical Quiz

Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Quiz

Which is an example of a trait that an organism would pass on to their offspring?

A. a fish with gills for breathing

B. a human with the ability to draw

C. a cat with a love of humans

D. a mouse with a fear of cats

Select your answer:


Musculoskeletal Disorders Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Fluid Therapy Fad Diets Sports Medicine Biomedical Cosmetology Properties of the Hair Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Medical Careers Oral Hygiene Basic Structure of the Human Body Inflammation and Tissue Repair BMI (Body Mass Index) Brain/Neuron Anatomy

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Which law of Mendel’s states that on doing a cross between parents of pure line with contrasting traits, the progeny obtained will exhibit character of only one type of trait which is dominate

A. Dominance

B. silent

C. none of the above

D. both

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The ability or tendency of a living organism, cell, or group to keep the conditions inside it the same despite any changes in the conditions around it, or this state of internal balance:

A. Homeostasis

B. Health

C. Wellness

D. Nutrition