Medical Quiz

Hearing Impairment Quiz

Where is the Eustachian Tube connected to?

A. The back of the head

B. The back of the nose

C. The back of the Ear

Select your answer:


Sensory Disorder Deficiency Disease 5 Major Food Groups Bones and Muscles Regulation of Urine Formation Parts of the Brain Epithelial Tissue Fats And Oil Dermis Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Genetic Engineering Musculoskeletal LE Histology of Nervous and Muscle Tissues Skeletal System Vocabulary Pharmacology

Other quiz:

Human Physiology › View

Which of the following is the most responsible for concentrating urine

A. Permeability of PCT

B. Length of Loop of Henle

C. Permitivitty of DCT and collecting duct

D. None of the above

Excretion › View

Marine animals that have body fluids with a solute concentration equal to that of the surrounding sea water are:

A. osmoregulators

B. osmoconformers

C. osmoinformers

D. hyperosmotic