Medical Quiz

Bone Marrow Histology Quiz

The stroma of red bone marrow is composed of ________.

A. Muscle fibers and myocytes.

B. Lamellar bone and osteoblasts

C. CT fibers and fibroblasts

D. Reticular fibers and reticular cells

Select your answer:


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Other quiz:

Pathogens, Disease and Immunity › View

Which of the following is NOT part of the first line of defense?

A. Mucous membranes

B. Macrophages

C. Cilia

D. Pathogen-busting enzymes in sweat

Muscular System › View

How should you care for your muscular system. Except?

A. Exercise regularly.

B. Warm-up before and cool-down after exercise.

C. Eat healthy foods, especially foods high in protein.

D. Eat fast food on a daily basis.

E. Stretch to remain flexible.