Medical Quiz

Tutor Oral Biology Quiz

“Local increase in tissue fluid pressure in the periapical region of the tooth cause the occlusal movement of the theory”

Which theories of eruption suits the statement above

A. Root formation theory

B. Pulp growth

C. Vascular pressure

D. Dental follicle theory

Select your answer:


Urinary Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Communicable Disease Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Renal Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Tenses Nail Diseases and Disorders Cosmetology Factors Affecting Health Nervous System Functioning Name that Pathogen Vitals Immunology IBD Disorders of The Joints

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Circulatory System › View

Smaller branches of tiny tubes that pass on the oxygen to the cells

A. Arteries

B. Veins

C. Capillaries

D. Coronary arteries

Musculoskeletal System › View

Sections of the spine…Select the incorrect answer

A. Thoracic

B. Lumbar

C. Sacrum

D. Disc