★ Respiratory and Circulatory Quiz
Where air enters the body.
A. nose/mouth
B. alveoli
C. diaphragm
D. larynx
Select your answer:
DNA and RNA Structures Skin Structure Nervous System/Endocrine System Children Well-being Plant Biotechnology Disease & Immunity Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Asexual Reproduction Musculoskeletal Vocabulary Neuroanatomy The Cell The Chemistry of Microbiology EMS Systems Macro and Micro Nutrients SchizophreniaOther quiz:
Heart Anatomy › ViewVessel that brings blood from the lower body into the heart
A. right atrium
B. right ventricle
C. inferior vena cava
D. pulmonary arteries
Nutrition in Humans and Animals › View
The undigested food is thrown out of the body of amoeba through
A. Contractile vacuole
B. Pseudopodia
C. Food Vacuole