Medical Quiz

Division of Microbiology Quiz

Organisms themselves are not examined in applied microbiology; rather, they are applied to a specific process.

A. Pure microbiology

B. Science microbiology

C. Applied microbiology

Select your answer:


Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Virus and Bacteria Smoking Related Diseases Hematology Acute Leukemias Enzyme Eye and Ear Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Healthcare Systems and Settings Skin Appendages Agents of Disease Trichology Dentistry Purpose and Function of the Skeletal System The Cell Cycle & Cancer

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Pharmacology › View

Among the different types of seizures, this type is characterized by impaired consciousness and recall. If asked a question, the patient might respond with an inappropriate or unintelligible answer. Automatic movements involve the mouth and face (lip smacking, chewing, tasting, and swallowing movements), upper extremities (fumbling, picking, tapping, or clasping movements), and vocal apparatus (grunts or repetition of words and phrases), as are complex acts (such as walking or mixing foods in a bowl).

A. Focal ( aware)

B. Tonic-clonic

C. Focal ( impaired awareness)

D. Absence

Nutrition › View

Which Amino Acid is seen as most superior for Muscle Protein Synthesis

A. Leucine

B. Glutamine

C. Valine

D. Iso-Valine