Medical Quiz

Trauma Quiz

Which one of the following patients is most at risk for multisystem trauma?

A. 16 year old who fell four feet from a ladder

B. 66 year old woman ejected from a vehicle rollover

C. 44 year old man whose foot was crushed by a forklift

D. 27 year old struck in the head by a baseball bat

Select your answer:


Unintentional Injuries Thrombosis, Emboliya Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Forensics: Blood Contemporary Nutrition Issues Conjunctivita Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Nutritional Trivia Diseases and Preventions Asexual Reproduction Radiology Infection Control HFT Vitamins Eye Arteries Heart Structure and Double Circulation

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The human heart is an example of an organ in the human body.
It is expected that

A. the heart is made up of the same tissue

B. the heart is made up of the same type of cell

C. the heart works independently of all other organs in the body

D. the heart is made up of many types of tissues

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What type of muscle is not banded or striated?

A. cardiac

B. skeletal

C. smooth

D. Circumferential