Medical Quiz

Source of Food Quiz

We get from wheat from_______ .

A. animal

B. plant

Select your answer:


Types of Immunity Human Anatomy and Physiology Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Blood & Blood Vessels Weight Management Vision & Hearing Human Genetics Types of Doctors Cardiology Medications EMR - Trauma Anxiety Disorders Health Issues and Concerns Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Vitamins and Minerals Microbes

Other quiz:

Immune Response › View

The orange molecule in this image is a(n) _______

A. Antibody

B. Antigen

C. Antibiotic

D. Blood cell

Philosophy › View

An Autocracy is when:

A. People participate in the running of their own government by voting.

B. a small military group takes over a country

C. a single person has all of the power

D. religion is used to justify power