Medical Quiz

Hygiene and Nutrition Quiz

We wash our______before taking medicine.

A. Face

B. Hands

Select your answer:


Pediatrics Cell and Muscle Histology Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Body System Wellness Vocabulary BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Type of Dementia Tutor Oral Biology Vision and Hearing Defects 5 Major Food Groups Stress and Mental Health Excretion in Humans Properties of Hair and Scalp Branches of Microbiology Cell Reproduction

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Genetics › View

The form of an inherited trait that masks the other form of the same trait.
A. dominant trait
B. recessive trait
C. purebred
D. hybrid

Pathophysiology of Injuries and Diseases › View

What is the primary cause of tendinitis?

A. Chronic overuse

B. Inflammatory response

C. Acute trauma

D. Genetic predisposition