Medical Quiz

Pathophysiology Quiz

Bleeding inside the chest that causes a lung to collapse away from the chest wall is called:

A. pneumothorax

B. hemorrhage

C. pulmonary edema

D. hemothorax

Select your answer:


Anatomy and Histology Tissues Vet Science Terms Radiation and Health Hair Evidence Anatomy & Physiology Medical Careers Facial & Dental Injuries Diseases of The Body Systems Health Myocarditis Cellular Respiration First Aid Check up Fitness Gene Expression Eye or Nose Injuries

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The process of testing DNA to determine a person’s risk of having or passing on a genetic disorder

A. genetic screening

B. gel electrophoresis

C. restriction map

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Proteins on the surface of the red blood cells that account for blood type

A. antibodies

B. antigens

C. agglutination

D. anti browns offense