Medical Quiz

The Skeletal System Quiz

Which part of the bone is less dense and porous?

A. Compact Bone

B. Spongy Bone

C. Bone Marrow

D. Periosteum

Select your answer:


Disease Prevention Body Structures and Organ Systems Muscle Tissues Factors Affecting Health Serology/Blood Typing Public Health and Genetic Disease Vital Signs Population Genetics Type of Dementia Contemporary Nutrition Issues Genetics and Censorship Skin Growth Somatotypes Genes, Chromosomes and Genome MEDICINE

Other quiz:

Neuroanatomy › View

What are the key differences between neurodegenerative disease and neurodegeneration?

A. •Neurodegeneration gets progressively worse over time and neurodegenerative disease gets better over time with stimulation

B. •Neurodegeneration gets better over time with stimulation and neurodegeneration disease gets progressively worse over time

C. •None of the above

Vision › View

Determines the brightness of colors (and also the loudness of sounds).

A. Wave Amplitud

B. Hue

C. Intensity

D. Retina