Medical Quiz

Integumentary System Quiz

Which degree of burn can cause infections and dehydration?

A. First Degree Burn

B. Second Degree Burn

C. Third Degree Burn

Select your answer:


Major Internal Organs of the Body Musculoskeletal - Clinical The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Muscles Cancer & Cell Cycle Movement and Locomotion DNA, RNA, Proteins Chemistry Skeleton Fats And Oil Regulating the Cell Cycle Cardiovascular Med Terms Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Child Development The Energy Nutrients

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What is a phenotype
A. The genetic make up (code)
B. The physical trait

EM Spectrum › View

Which of the following EM waves is released by human body?

A. Infrared radiation

B. visible light

C. X ray

D. ultraviolet radiation