Medical Quiz

The Respiratory System Quiz

A. esophogus

B. bronchi

C. trachea

D. alveoli

Select your answer:


Immunity What is Psychology? Genes and DNA The Respiratory System Nutrition and Calorific Value Hospital Departments Respiration in Organisms Musculoskeletal System Medical Terminology Orthopedics AEMT EMS Systems Diseases of The Nervous System Skeletal System Circulatory & Respiratory Vocabulary Physical Education and Health

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An Autocracy is when:

A. People participate in the running of their own government by voting.

B. a small military group takes over a country

C. a single person has all of the power

D. religion is used to justify power

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Which of the following statements is TRUE about someone’s immune system that has allergies?

A. Body cells are dividing at an uncontrolled rate.

B. The body is reacting to foreign materials that are not actually dangerous.

C. T cells and B cells in the body cannot be activated.

D. The body is mistaking its own cells for foreign antigens.