Medical Quiz

Heart Anatomy Quiz

Which heart chamber is more muscular and why?

A. The left ventricle requires more muscle because it must pump more blood than the right ventricle

B. The right ventricle requires more muscle because it must pump more blood than the left ventricle

C. The left ventricle requires more muscle because it must keep blood in the aorta at a high pressure

D. The right ventricle requires more muscle because it must keep blood entering the lungs at higher pressure than blood entering the aorta

Select your answer:


Muscles and Healthy Body Energy and Metabolism Diabetes Pathophysiology Immunity & Cancer Enzyme Disease Prevention The Nervous System Your Body Histology HS Microbiology Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Pancreas Geriatrics Serology/Blood Typing Immune Cells Faction

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A. repairing vital organs

B. feeding vital organs

C. protecting vital organs

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