Medical Quiz

Hematology Quiz

Charcot-leyden crystal protein is associated with

A. Eosinophilic Promyelocyte

B. Eosinophilic Myelocyte

C. Basophilic Promyelocyte

D. Basophilic Myelocyte

Select your answer:


Physiology Physiology Pathology Vet Terminology Sense of Sight Nutrition & Wellness Child Growth and Development Cell Structure and Function Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Nutrition Injury Stimuli and Responses in Humans Cells, Tissues and Organs Teeth & Microbes Cardiovascular and Respiratory Trauma Surgery

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During an ankle dislocation, which bone becomes dislocated from the tibia and fibula?

A. calcaneus

B. talus

C. navicular

D. cuboid

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May accumulate blood and air

A. Visceral space

B. Parietal space

C. Pleural space