Medical Quiz

Understanding Psychology Nervous System Quiz

Messages move to and from the brain along thin cells called

A. neurotransmitters

B. synapses

C. neurons

D. axons

Select your answer:


Nutrition and Human Digestive System T Cells Vaccines Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes Cells, Tissues and Organs The Musculoskeletal System Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Cells & Body Systems Bone Physiology Microbial Growth & Nutrition Vital Signs Physiology Pathology Sexual Reproduction Perioperative Nursing Care The Nervous System and The Senses

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The surface of a healthy natural nail should be;
A. smooth and spotted 
B. flexible and spotted 
C. smooth and unspotted 
D. pitted and rough 

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Which type of anemia is characterized by a deficiency in vitamin B12?

A. Sickle Cell Anemia

B. Iron Deficiency Anemia

C. Megaloblastic Anemia

D. Aplastic Anemia