Medical Quiz

Topics: Type of Dementia Quiz

In which type of dementia is person more likely to experience fluctuations in their attention and alertness over the course of a day?

A. Alzhiemers’ Disease

B. Vascular Dementia

C. Dementia with Lewy Bodies

D. Frontotemporal Dementia

Select your answer:


Cardiopulmonary Human Anatomy Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Homeostasis Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Pain Pathophysiology Fish Health Management Tib/Fib, Knee and Femur Biochemistry/Cells Pharmacology Vitamins Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Cosmetology Monoclonal Antibodies Body Pathophysiology - Inflammation

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Olecranon is the anatomical term for what body part?

A. Armpit

B. Mouth

C. Behind the knee

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Which is the only structure you would expect to see when examining a prokaryotic cell with a compound light microscope?

A. nucleus

B. chloroplast

C. cell membrane

D. mitochondria