Medical Quiz

Topics: SPED Law-lympics Quiz

A student identified SLD has what type of disability?

A. Special Language Deficit

B. Specific Language Disability

C. Specific Learning Deficit

D. Specific Learning Disability

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular Med Terms Surgical & Complementary Terms Biological Organisms Classification Vitamin Cell Structure and Function Concept Enzymes and Digestion Monoclonal Antibodies Renal, Cancer, HIV EMS Systems Ortho Ward Simulation Skin Growth Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Medication Administration Human Physiology Diseases of The Digestive System

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Neuroanatomy › View

Identify the statement about neuron structure or function that is FALSE.

A. Microtubules in an axon are transport cargo, such as synaptic vesicles, in an anterograde direction using kinesin proteins.

B. Motor proteins found in the dendrites of a neuron can transport cargo in both anterograde and retrograde directions.

C. Peptide neurotransmitters (e.g. substance P) are synthesized locally in the axon terminal.

D. Actin filaments (e.g. F-actin) is found primarily in the soma and axon terminals

Med Term Musculoskeletal › View

specialist in treating and diagnosing diseases and disorders of the foot

A. osteopath

B. chiropodist

C. chiropractor

D. orthopedist