Medical Quiz

Topics: Muscular System Movements Quiz

Making the palms face anteriorly is an example of?

A. Circumduction

B. Pronation

C. Supination

Select your answer:


Benefits of Physical Activity Renal and Gastrointestinal System Blood Essential Nutrients Human Muscle Transport System Philosophy Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes Body Systems and Medical Sciences First Aid Bleeding Disease and Immunity Joints and Range of Motion Sarcomere Anatomy Hygiene and Nutrition Visual Impairment

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What is the Danger Zone?

A. 40 degrees – 140 degrees

B. It depends on the food

C. 145 degrees – 165 degrees

D. 0 degrees – 40 degrees

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During simple diffusion…

A. solutes do not cross the membrane

B. the cell uses energy to push solutes across a membrane

C. solutes move through protein channels

D. solutes move from areas of high solute concentration to areas of low solute concentration