Topics: Hematology Quiz
What is it that erythroblastosis fetalis can not happen if the mother is RH negative?
A. baby has RH negative blood
B. dad has RH positive blood
C. mother has RH antigens
D. baby has RH antibodies
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Oncology 3M Micropara STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Upper Limb -ology Circulatory and Respiratory System Nail Disorders and Diseases Nutrition - Digestive System Circulatory & Lymphatic Enzymes and Their Functions Vascular Surgery Ears Blood Cells Nutrient Cycling Anatomy MusclesOther quiz:
Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow › ViewAldosterone leads to:
A. Vasoconstriction
B. Vasodilation
C. Retain Na+ and H2O (inc BP)
D. Release of renin
Disease, Immunity, and Phatogens › View
Organisms like ticks and mosquitos that spread diseases are called?
A. Fungi
B. Parasites
C. Vectors
D. Pathogens