Medical Quiz

Topics: Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Quiz

What is the first step of the external examination of the body in an autopsy?

A. A broad overview of the condition of the body and clothing.

B. A very specific viewing and analysis of the wounds.

C. A complete body washing and physical preparation.

D. Open up the body with a Y-incision

E. Weighing the organs and looking for abnormalities.

Select your answer:


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Greenstick fracture means

A. Fracture through the epiphysis

B. Fracture that twist around the shaft

C. Fracture in which one side of a bone is broken and the other side is bend

D. Fracture occurring at an angle across the bone

Respiratory System › View

An allergy that affects the respiratory system; may result in difficulty breathing and wheezing

A. Asthma

B. Allergic reaction

C. Cancer

D. Bacteria